Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Seven Mantras for healing the Chakras


Chakras are disc shaped energy centers located up the center of our body.
They are the openings for the life force or energy to move in and out of our aura.  Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of self consciousness.  They are associated with our physcial, mental and emotional interactions.  There are seven major chakras. 

The first chakra is located in the perineum and is called the root chakra, its colour is red.  It is our direct connection to the earth. 
Postive Mantra "I give gratitude to the animals and plants that support me."  "I honour my family and the blessing/lessons I learned from them"

The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen under your belly button, its colour is orange.  This chakra relates to our need for relationships, community bonding outside of our immediate family.  Personal ethics and morals reside here.
Postive Mantra "I am creative and flowing"  "I allow myself to feel and heal."
The third chakra is located in the stomach and solar pelux area and its colour is yellow.  This chakra relates to self-perception, self-worth, trusting yourself, self esteem, self confidence, caring for yourself, and fear of failure.
Postive Mantra "I am balanced and centered"  "The sweetness of life fills me."
The fourth chakra is located in the heart area and its colour is green.  This chakra is responsible for belief in a divine plan.  This chakra rebalances itself through acts of forgiveness.
Postive Mantra "I am completely open to life, love and joy."  "I choose to see with love."
The fifth chakra is located in the throat and its colour is blue.  This chakra allows us to let go of attachement to outcome and live life as it unfolds. 
Postive Mantra "I fully express myself for the highest good of all"  "I am truthful and honor my word."

The sixth chakra is located above the bridge of your nose.  This is also know as the third eye and its colour is indigo.  This is our direct connnection to wisdom and truth.
Postive Mantra "I have all the answers I need."  "I see life and all experiences clearly, and with wisdom."
The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the head, its colour is violet.  It is our connection to our spiritual nature and directly aligned with divinity. The scared truth of the crown chakra is to live fully in the present moment and release all physical, psychological and emotional illusions from our lives. 
Postive Mantra "love and light fill me."  "I am one with all life."
I encourage you to sit everyday in a quiet place and visualize each chakra and the colour of it.  Hold your visualization for 2 mins on each chakra saying the postive mantras.  Daily chakra cleanse has become part of my routine and I really look forward to it.  When I am done I feel lighter more bubbly and energetic. 
May you be safe, May you be happy, May you be free